Monday, September 21, 2009

Lies Lies Lies

If you haven't heard, the scale lies. It tells you things you don't want to hear, see, or read anywhere. It puts a 2 at the front, and wouldn't know what a 1 was if it hit it in the face. It has this uncanny ability to make you (Me!) feel like a horrible failure & lard ass.

This weekend, it gave me a readout of 204 point something or other. I felt like a tub based SOLELY on that number, and yet while I was getting dressed to go out, I was able to slip into a pair of formerly tight jeans with ease, and wear a top that used to squeeze my belly like a boa constrictor squeezing the life out of its prey (the zip on those jeans would have been the equivalent of the snake bite, leaving nasty marks & occasionally taking bits of skin off if I wasn't careful with my zipping!).

I was pretty excited to fit into an outfit that didn't fit me a month ago, but still felt schlubby, because my scale hasn't left it's comfort zone of 201-211 in a year. A full freaking year! I know I've lost inches, and I know that those are the only numbers that really matter, but my scale lies, and I allow it's lies to color my perception of myself.... it's like dating a really hot guy who you know is a liar & a cheat, but he's so good in bed you just can't bring yourself to break it off. Only my scale isn't good in bed. And it isn't hot. Go figure.

It's an abusive relationship, and yet I can't bring myself to end things with my not so trusty frenemy, LeScale.


  1. I been there and that is why I dumped the scale. Just a tip, if you have a digital scale you might need to reset it and/or change the batteries. Good luck!

  2. I'll change the batteries & see if that helps - thanks for the tip!
